Dr. Githanga, David
Profession Summary
MBChB, Fellow, MSc Public Health, Diploma on Children's Environmental Health, MMed Paediatric Cardiology,
Paediatric, Cadiologist
Medical Board Number:A2420
Professional Training
MBChB NA University of NairobiFellow NA RHSC Yorkhill Glasgow
MSc Public Health NA London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Diploma on Children's Environmental Health NA IPA Leadership Institute, Athens, Greece
MMed Paediatric Cardiology NA University of Nairobi
Membership of Professional Bodies
Kenya Paediatric AssociationAdmission Rights
Gertrudes Children's HospitalThe Aga Khan Hospital
Nairobi Hospital
Insurance Recognition
Languages Spoken
English, Swahili, Kikuyu,
Hobbies :
Hobbies :
Email: davidgithanga@gmail.comPhone: